De-pigmentation peels (Spot Peels)
Before a peeling procedure we recommend a minimum of 2 weeks skin preparation.
These products will be included in the price of your peel/peels.
A de-pigmentation peel is recommended to treat Hyper-pigmentation, pigmentation spots, pregnancy dark spots or melasma. It is also highly recommended in cases of actinic keratoses and post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation.
Everyone can benefit from de-pigmentation peels. These de-pigmenting peels produce excellent results, from which recovery is quick with no time taken from work or family. Darker skin tones can be safely treated with a natural blending of skin colours.
De-pigmentation peels are perfect for the busy person who wants immediate results with no down-time. With a de-pigmentation peel, melasma and deeper skin marks will be reduced. All this is achieved with a simple procedure and a very easy follow-up.
The de-pigmentation peels provide a smooth, blemish-free, beautiful complexion free from dark spots and melasma for months.
What are the types of Hyper-Pigmentation?
Melasma or Chloasma
:Skin coloration that appears as blotchy brown spots, often covering cheeks, forehead, or temples. This type of hyper-pigmentation can be hereditary, or triggered by hormonal changes such as pregnancy or menopause. Taking birth control pills can also trigger Melasma. In addition, some laser treatments such as IPL, may worsen the condition.
Age Spots or "Liver" Spots
Smaller darkened patches usually on older adults who have been exposed to the sun for many years. These spots can be seen on the face, forearms and backs of hands.
Post-inflammatory Hyper-Pigmentation
This type of hyper-pigmentation results from any inflammatory injury or trauma to the skin. Some causes of post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation:
- Acne – particularly cysts or nodules – often leaves dark discoloration after a blemish heals.Squeezing the spots and damaging the skin.
- Poorly administered chemical peels, incorrect methods of laser hair removal, or laser surgery can leave behind hyper-pigmentation.
- Rashes like psoriasis and eczema often darken the skin as well, causing the melanin cells to over react.
- Prolonged exposure to heat, whether from being in the sun or working over heat-producing appliances will also be a potential cause.
Contact us today to book an appointment
Or call us on 0121 360 9128