Foot Care Advice - The Blog
People often say they are embarrassed of their feet and think hiding them away is the answer - they're wrong. Booking an appointment to see a chiropodist is the first step to fixing your feet and preventing them from getting worse! We have prepared you a little blog so that you know what to expect and how to take care of your feet in the meantime!
What to expect at your first chiropody visit, here at Feet and BeautyMed:
1. We take a detailed history; medical and what your activity levels are. This helps our podiatrists work out if you have something causing problems to your feet, or whether its just general lifestyle wear and tear.
2. We may soak your feet; this can soften the callus and toenails. (However, should you have broken skin or infection, this step may be skipped).
3. Inspection of your feet. This involves more than a quick look. We may check movement of joints, skin quality, check the pulses and toenail quality/growth.
4. Cutting and filing of nails - does what it says on the tin.
5. Removal of callus/corns and addressing any other complaints.
6. Relaxing moisturising lotion applied to the feet.
The result? Happy feet - and a happy you!
The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray!
Ok ladies and gentlemen, time for your sandals - are your feet ready?
In all seriousness, it is just as important that your feet feel comfortable as well as look presentable.
After shedding our winter boots and socks our feet may not always look their best. Book in for a chiropody treatment to get your feet back to there best.
Above, we have the perfect reasons of why prevention is the best medicine - avoid embarrassment on those summer days out!
If the shoe fits!
If the shoe fits!
As we age the shape and size of our feet change too. The arch lowers and the fore foot (around the toe joints) can become wider. We also loose our protective fatty padding-our cushioning, from the soles of our feet.
So lets consider the shape of our feet and what we squeeze them into:
These famous feet clearly show an advanced bunion. This can make the big toe joint painful, swollen and a pain to squeeze into a comfortable shoe. We hear everyday "it can't be my shoes that the problem-I paid a lot of money for these shoes."
I'm sure she pays an awful lot of money too!
Ensure you have the right shoe size. Manufactures sizes change so always try on half sizes above and below the size you think you are. Make sure you half half an inch width at the end of your toes! this is very important, it allows the toes room to move.
We wear shoes to provide SUPPORT, PROTECTION and CUSHIONING.
Ask your shoe - do you do this for me?
Healthy Feet
Healthy Feet
Caring for your feet isn't always easy. Every day wash and dry your feet paying particular attention to drying in between your toes. Apply a good quality foot cream daily, little and often is much better than a big dollop one a week. It doesn't matter when you apply the cream but ensure it is fully absorbed before you walk on hard floors so you avoid slips and falls.We know the importance of regular dental check ups, and eye sight tests. It makes sense that we pay the same attention to your feet. A regular chiropody appointment will ensure that your feet are kept in tip top condition.
Contact us today to book an appointment
Or call us on 0121 360 9128