Podiatry and Chiropody is much more than a pedicure, Podiatrists specialise in medical care of the foot and ankle, and they are qualified and licensed to use anaesthetics for surgical interventions and a variety of medicines and techniques to cure the foot of certain ailments and infections.

Chiropody Price List
Chiropody Price List
Chiropody Price New Patient Assessment including full treatment - £45 Verruca (first) Treatment - £35 Verruca …
Diabetes - NOW ONLY £35 FOR A FULL ASSESSMENT Podiatry , Diabetes and Healthy Feet We recommend you attend regularly if you have fungal nails, …

Foot Care Advice - The Blog
Foot Care Advice - The Blog People often say they are embarrassed of their feet and think hiding them away is the answer - they're wrong. Booking …

Heel Pain - Plantar Faciitis
Heel Pain or Plantar Fasciitis; A painful inflammatory condition causing chronic heel pain. In some cases it may also result in arch pain. Symptoms: The …

Ingrown Toe Nails
If you have ever suffered from an Ingrown toe nail you will know how painful they can be. How Can I treat Them? There are many procedures that …

Low Laser Light Therapy LLLT
Low Laser Light Therapy LLLT Low level laser therapy (LLLT) offers a quick, painless, non-invasive, side-effect free alternative to relieve the …

Orthotics/Insoles Here at the Feet & BeautyMed, we work very closely with Langer UK to provide custom and ready made Orthotics. How would …

Verrucae Treatment
Verrucae are one of the most common foot problems among children and adults.In all cases, it is necessary to attend for an initial consultation …

What's the difference between a Chiropodist and a Podiatrist?
What's the difference between a Chiropodist and a Podiatrist? In the UK podiatry is simply the new name for chiropody. The name was changed to …